
Thursday, 27 June 2019

week 9 up date

Friday 28 June 

Hi everyone on Wednesday we had a sausage sizzle it was very yummy.  I had 2 sausages.

 Yesterday me and my team had a bye so we stayed back at school and  played two games. We played netball and hockey.

 We won the pizza because we got in our Spellathon sponsor sheets before the other classes did.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

sparkle day Friday 21 June

Hi everyone today is Sparkle Day.

Sparkle day is when we dress up in sparkly clothes or bright colors. This day means to be kind and caring to others.


Yesterday I played netball.  I was in Mrs O'Neill's team and we had our first win. 

Thursday, 13 June 2019

weekly up date

Friday 14 June

Hi everyone to day is weekly up date and to day I will by talking to you about my inquiry.

I was working with Mira we are doing grassheads.  One thing Mira and I need to work one is knowing how much the cat grass costs.  The thing that is interesting that the cat grass is really a thing.

Bye now

Friday29 November  Hello Today we had the Spaghetti marshmallow challenge  We have this that 20 sticks of spaghetti  a meter long pie...