
Thursday, 29 August 2019

weekly up date

Friday 30 august

 This week I will be talking to you about the past few weeks.
And we had the MARKET DAY! I was making grass heads and then I did not do the grass heads.  I did something different.  I made acorns - they are little people.                 
We went to Life Education.  Life Education is when you learn about stuff like the body.  You can see Harold and do the Harold wave. It is lots of fun and you can habe a disco on the last day and get to watch a clip.


We also had service day and I was cleaning the church  and vacuuming.  We also made book marks and we put them in the church.

Friday29 November  Hello Today we had the Spaghetti marshmallow challenge  We have this that 20 sticks of spaghetti  a meter long pie...